All the cool websites have frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages, and I wanna be cool too.

Why is  your blog called Eating Off Plastic?

Due to my sensory problems, I like to use plastic (or paper) plates rather than glass when eating. People cannot be trusted to eat quietly with glass and silverware.

How old are you?

I’m 24, at this very moment. Now I’m 25.  Ah, 26. Shoot, 27. Aging sucks. Wow, ok 28. LOL 29.  Unbelievable 30.

What is your real name?

Kelly Dillon.

What is SPD?

SPD stands for Sensory Processing Disorder. It’s a neurological condition that I’ve had for my entire life. Learn more here: SPD Foundation

Do you have Autism?

I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism when I was 16, however, I think the bulk of my problems are sensory-based. Still, I would consider myself “on the spectrum” but more towards the Aspergerian side.

What’s with the owl on your head?

Silly human, it’s a hat! I got it many years ago, and its exceedingly warm and comfortable.

Can I message you privately? I have a question.

Certainly! You can go here–> Contact or you can email me at kellydillon91@gmail.com

What do you do outside of this website?

I’m actually the Yellow Power Ranger, but only part time. The pay isn’t great, but I get to do flips and use blasters, so I can’t complain.

HAVE A QUESTION FOR ME? Leave a comment and I’ll respond and add it into this list!


  1. Which brand of ZEMS do you use? Would they block the noise of the ceramic plates my family uses at dinner time?

  2. Sorry if I posted this teice but I don’t see my comment. Which brand of ZEMS do you use? Do they block the evil clanging of ceramic plates? Thanks!

    1. Hi Hannah – you probably didn’t see your comment show up because I have to approve of each comment before it appears. But to answer your question, I use ZEMS by SensGard. Here’s the website: http://www.sensgard.com/

      I bought mine many years ago, so I’m not sure if they’ve tweaked the design, but the products on their page look the same as the one I have. They work like a charm – I hope they help you too! xo kelly

  3. Hi, I believe my son (age 4) has SPD, but not diagnosed. He hates having his hair cut, to the point of shaking and crying and seems terrified. After putting him (and me) through 3-4 sessions, I decided to stop. So he hasn’t had a haircut in a year. He looks silly but still the same cute kid. My question is do people suggest just continuing through things that are “uncomfortable” since it’s part of grooming and hope they do better each time or is that crazy because it’s just mean? How are people with SPD supposed to handle situations that they kind of have to do? Thank you!

    1. Hi Anne – I know what you mean. I actually wrote a blog post about this whole situation (Sensory Anxiety: Not Your Ordinary Anxiety). I wrote about how pushing through things that cause sensory anxiety/meltdown is not good because pushing through it doesn’t make it easier, which is why after several hair cuts, your son was still very distressed. Have you tried cutting his hair at home, or even having someone come to the house to cut his hair? Perhaps changing the environment will allow for him to get it cut when he’s ready. I don’t have an answer for your question, unfortunately. I battle the same dilemma every day. I don’t know how to make situations easier when SPD is preventing me from doing them comfortably. I usually just avoid them or push through them and take care of myself afterward. Self-care is super important when you have SPD. For your son, that would mean after a stressful experience, he should do things that calms him down again, whether that’s exercise, sleep, watching a favorite movie. I wish I knew more ways to help, but we are all on this journey together. But please read my Sensory Anxiety post if you haven’t already – I think you’ll find it helpful for you son. xo

  4. Hello there!
    I just read your article on anxiety and sensory processing. Thank you for such a thoughtful read. I wanted to know what you thought about meditation. I’m curious because I’m meditation, we are turning our attention towards the senses. Is this wise for people with SPD? Curious about your opinion. Thanks! Liz

    1. Hi Liz – it’s a great question for sure. I know many of us SPD’ers struggle with meditation for that reason. I myself have a hard time with meditation that guides me to be aware of my sensory self. I’m better off with more of a visualization approach (example: picture yourself walking into a forest. It’s quiet and calm and you feel at peace. Etc.) I think meditation involving the senses is still good and necessary though, even for SPD’ers, but it has to be done in an environment that feels safe and only when the person is not overstimulated. I’ve found trying to meditate myself away from a sensory meltdown does nothing for me, but this could just be me.

  5. Aside from the book that you have created, (which I am ordering) do you have any book/movie recommendations that have impacted you regarding these kinds of traits and difficulties? Anything that was eye opening, brought understanding, practical ideas, inspired you, is your go to reference etc. including fiction and non-fiction. (An ongoing list or post that you can add to, and people can put their favorites in the comments would be wonderful!)

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