About Me

Well. Where to start?

This is what I look like in my illustrations on this website:


And this is what I look like in the real world:


I’m Kelly!

The title of this blog – Eating Off Plastic – originated from the fact that I eat off of plastic plates because the sound of glass plates nearly kills me.  Plastic (or paper) all the way!

The purpose of this blog is for me to have a place to share my thoughts about living with this sensory processing disorder (and some other things) and all the fun stuff that comes along with it! It’s also a place for people to find support, information, answers and laughs. You can always talk to me by clicking here: Contact

Thinking not-so-funny things are actually funny has been my greatest coping mechanism, and I like to spread the joy around, like jam of joy.

Some bits about me:

  • I’m the Creative Director at Life Ingredients (I make animations and illustrations here: www.lifeingredients.com)!
  • Neurodiversity advocate ❤
  • bookworm; hot beverage drinker; sweets lover; Muggle
  • School Psychology student
  • BA Psychology from SUNY New Paltz
  • gardening is pretty cool too

To contact me through email, please use this address: kellydillon91@gmail.com


  1. Hi Kelly, your blog is amazing. I was so happy to find it after learning I had SPD. I love you owl hat, I have a ski hat that I wear as a comfort when I get anxious or have a sensory overload. Thanks for bringing humor to the tiring reality of SPD, your posts always make me laugh. Also your artwork is beautiful, I’m a big fan.

  2. I just found this, as I have been doing reasearch on SPD because my mom stopped the testing when I was young due to not wanting the labels to restrict me (and give her a cop out). I totally agree with her thinking, but now life is getting more and more difficult as I don’t know how to deal with everything now that I am out in the world, and it feels like I am having more and more sensory “attacks” I guess you could call it, and I am always on SUPER high alert. Because of this, I am trying to learn as much as I can.

    Anyways, I wrote all of that to tell you that I love the fact you use the old spelling of Faerie. I haven’t met many who do, and I have loved it ever since I read it in a book!

  3. Kelly, your blog will soon be added to our Actually Autistic Blogs List (anautismobserver.wordpress.com). Please click on the “How do you want your blog listed?” link at the top of that site to customize your blog’s description.
    Thank you.
    Judy (An Autism Observer)

  4. Hi Kelly!
    We’re in Australia and starting the sensory journey with our 5yr old. Thank you for this awesome article. It so well articulates the impact of sensory overload experiences and the anxiety that goes along with them. I have shared this article with my friends and class parent group to help them understand how we approach things as a family. I look forward to reading for of your blog!

  5. As an intense person with an interest in psychology, you might find Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities interesting [forgive the awkward term translated from Polish (better term superstimulatability)] the five OE’s are Emotional, Imaginational, Intellectual, Psychomotor, and Sensory. He was interested in people whose experience of life was more intense and from his perspective that gave them more inputs that could lead to development.
    He also created the term positive disintegration to refer to periods of destabilization that were sort of a “pardon our mess we are renovating”. He wanted to acknowledge that the goal of psychology shouldn’t always be to get people back to their previous level of function as quickly as possible, that instead it might be wise to check and see if the apparent lack of function was due to a temporary but needed part of a useful growth process.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts

  6. I found you !!!! Christmas came early:)

    “Thank you” for discribing my life and illustrating it so well…..

    What talent! Please continue.

  7. I found you when I look into SPD with anxiety because I have the same disorder. Thank you for sharing your experience with the disorder you helped me learn ways to cope with my disorder.

  8. Apple podcast didnt have your blog
    Where is a good place to listen to your blog on podcast audio. My son is 16 autistic.. love for him and myself to hear about your story.

  9. Kelly, I love your humor! Thank you 🙂 I moved in with my 86 yr old deafblind cousin and have been at war ever since. She doesn’t like anything new or different. Different bread, new furniture, new socks. While trying to purchase new socks for her, I had an epiphany. She has SPD (and dementia); what fun! Either she was never diagnosed or she’s in complete denial, and there isn’t much info on deafblind having autism or autistic like symptoms and dementia. I joined a caregiver support group for help! I have a better understanding of what is really going on, thanks to you! I totally get the old people in the grocery store… Lol.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for your comment!
      Wow – that’s a big undertaking. I can understand the “war.” I imagine someone who is dealing with all those conditions is not an easy person to live with. I don’t have any advice other than making sure you take care of YOU. I’m glad you enjoyed reading my blog ❤ Take care!! x Kelly

      1. Awww… Thank you! And you go girl! It takes a lot of strength to tell your story and you do it in the best of ways… With humor! ❤ You are the voice of so many people. You’re awesome 🙂

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